Hawk Hub » Hawk Announcements

Hawk Announcements


Junior High Students High School Students All Students 

Check out the OJSHS lunch calendar here!

  • Attention Seniors: Senior apparel is now on sale through Kaleels and must be ordered by September 30th! Click on the link below to order and see Mrs. Reynolds or a senior class officer with any questions. 
  • There are several new books in the library on the Junior High side and on the High School side.  Ask your teacher for a pass to come to the library or come in before or after school to check one out.
  • High School students - sign ups for the class games - sand volleyball, powderpuff football and bags tournament are outside Mrs. Reynolds room.  Make sure you sign up ASAP!  
  • Seniors! It's time to submit your senior photos for the yearbook. Check your email for the link to upload your photo.(https://photos.jostens.com/ETZ3ZH )
  • OCUSD is offering a veteran support t-shirt - check out the order form here! $2 from every order goes to the Oregon VFW!
  • Homecoming tickets are on sale! The cost is $15 in advance or $20 at the door. See Ms. Sowl in the main office before/after school or during passing periods to purchase. No tickets will be sold during class time.
    • Out of town guest forms are also available in the main office. All completed forms are due to Ms. Sowl by 3pm TODAY. No late forms will be accepted.

Shout Outs

  • VOLLEYBALL - Oregon defeats Sterling Newman in two, 25-11, 25-16. Anna Stender with 11 assists, 8 digs, & an ace.
  • GIRLS GOLF - Oregon defeats Dixon 198-209.  Sarah Eckardt medalist with a 43.

Silver Service Opportunities:

  • OCEC needs student helpers for Special Olympics Bowling. Volunteers would need to be at the Mt. Morris bowling alley by 3:15p every Tuesday. Volunteers will assist athletes bowl and be done by 4:30p. This will run for 6 weeks. Please see Mrs. Miller (OCEC - room 128) with any questions or to commit to helping!
  • Mrs. O'Neil's Hawk Huddle is collecting shoes again this year.  After their first count, they have 351 pairs.  They are trying to beat last year's total of 5,540 pairs of shoes!  If you want service hours for donating shoes, please mark the bag with your name and how many pairs of shoes you are donating and Mrs. O'Neil will give you 5 minutes of service for every pair you donate
  • Do you volunteer, or plan to volunteer, with the Oregon Park District this school year?
    • OPD will be offering regular student volunteer orientations at Nash Recreation Center.  These training sessions will be the first Tuesday of every month at 3:30 PM.  At the orientations, students will learn about volunteer expectations, meet Oregon Park District Staff, and will learn about available events to volunteer for. OPD will require all students who volunteer at their events to participate in an orientation before volunteering. You will receive 1 hour of service for attending the orientation. Students can sign up in person at Nash, by phone, or online like you would for any other Oregon Park District Program.  You must sign up at least one day in advance, no walk-ins! 
      • Students who cannot come to a regularly scheduled orientation are welcome to set up an appointment with Caleb Jenks for an orientation at a time that works for them. Please call (815-732-3101) or email ([email protected]) to schedule.

Upcoming Events:

  • Stop out and enjoy a home event today
    • V football - 7:00p at the stadium
  • Best of luck to our teams playing away today: 
    • Boys soccer at Somonauk