Resources » ASSIST Program

ASSIST Program

ASSIST is the academic support program for Oregon Junior/Senior High School athletes. During an athletic season, student-athlete grades are pulled each Monday at 7:00 AM. As such, any student work to be graded should be turned in to teachers before that time (i.e. Friday or earlier). If on Monday morning a student is listed as failing a
class, that student is then required to attend one ASSIST session for 45 minutes during that week. If a student is failing two or more classes, then the obligation rises to 90 minutes (two sessions) ASSIST obligations do NOT roll over to the next week; obligations need to be served in the same week that they are given.
ASSIST will be held on Tuesday** through Friday mornings before school in the school library. Students may arrive between 7:00-7:10 AM. All obligations are to be served at this time. Transportation is the responsibility of the athlete and their family. If lack of transportation to school is a concern, then it is even more vitally important for the athlete to maintain a good academic standing. Coaches will normally receive an ASSIST report Monday morning from Mr. Lawton and athletes will be notified Monday at practice of their obligations.

If an athlete does not meet their weekly obligation, consequences are as follows:
          First offense = Warning
          Second offense = Must miss ½ of the following week’s games/contests
          Third offense = Ineligible to compete for the following week
NOTE: If a teacher has NOT entered an up-to-date grade before the grade report is published on Monday morning, the athlete should speak to the teacher and request that the teacher e-mail the ASSIST advisor with a confirmation stating:
          - The student did turn in the homework the previous week
          - The teacher did not get a chance to update the grade
          - The update would have changed the student’s grade to a passing grade thereafter.


(It is the responsibility of the athlete to confirm with the ASSIST advisor that this notification was received from the teacher/s).


**If the weeks starts on a Tuesday due to holiday/break schedules, ASSIST will only take place on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday mornings that week.